I Wanna Be Down by AshleyNicole

Sistah Girls, after a long hiatus from reading I’m back!!

I went through a phase of starting and stopping books for quite some time and honestly, I thought it was the end of reading for me. Well at least for a while. But one day I was scrolling through social media and paused when I saw a cover that intrigued me.

Ok, it wasn’t necessarily the cover per se but definitely the title. It made me break out my best Brandy moves and then I settled in and was hooked.

I Wanna Be Down is a hilarious take on friends to lovers. Dash Dean is on everyone’s wishlist. This rapper turned super producer has it all. Looks, money, and a successful career.

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But outside of necessary appearances he was in full work mode. Even when he returns to the stage with his old group he stuck to his stand-offish demeanor. He liked to play in the background and let his group get the attention but that seemingly brought more attention to him.

A chance encounter brings him face to face with Sesali and he is convinced after one conversation that he had to have this woman in his life, even if he needed to play the role of her best friend.

Sesali is a sassy bombshell that is true to herself. She’s loyal to a fault and so forgiving. She lives a quiet life and would much rather stay at home than be out partying.

After a failed attempt at dating and getting her rocks off with a man-child (What grown man refers to his male anatomy as a weenie? Talk about a buzz kill.) her best friends drag her to an industry party.

There she meets Dash Dean. She is hot, bothered, and more interested in the food than she is in a crowded room. They strike up a witty conversation with her trying to put her friend on rather quickly, shooting down any chance of there being anything between them.

Should You Read The Book?

YASSSSSSSSSSSS!!!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ across the board.

Love. Laughter. Music. And….ANKLES! Yes, you read that correctly A.N.K.L.E.S lol This story was a hilarious take on friends to lovers. I wish I could say more but that would be giving too much away. Just read it.

That’s it, that’s my review. JUST READ IT! AshleyNicole put her foot and ankles in this book to bring me out of a reading drought!!! Now I’m diving back into her catalog for more!



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