Michelle Buteau is one of those women I just know. I don’t know how I know her. I couldn’t tell you the first thing I saw her in. If someone asked me what movies or shows she’s done I’d have to snap my fingers and say “You know the one on Netflix with the girl and the breakup?” I mean that with no disrespect.

One day I just woke up knowing who Michelle Buteau was. IMG 9241

Anytime I see her she’s pretty damn funny, so I added her essay collection to my always-growing essay TBR pile.

I wasn’t disappointed. 

My Thoughts

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I’m a fan of biographical essay collections. They typically follow the loose timeline of the author’s life jumping around years or sometimes even decades at a time getting to the good parts they deem important. 

This may sound silly to describe a book but she never got too bogged down in the details. Every topic was covered for just the right amount of time.

She skipped around almost like a mental fast-forward and I appreciated her giving us a glimpse into all the different parts of her. High school sweetheart, her heaux phase, a struggling comedian, and mother. What a ride! 

The tone was spot on. Memoirs by celebrities can be a hit or miss because you’re familiar with their voice. If it sounds off, it’s obvious. I felt like I could hear her saying the words. The funny bits and the hard parts.

The detailing of her infertility journey was so honest without seeming bitter, it was simultaneously heartbreaking, and hopeful. I wasn’t expecting it but it didn’t feel out of place. The book flowed like you were catching up to chit-chat with that one friend who is super funny but also real.

Final Thoughts 

By the time the book ended, I felt I knew her. The blurbs were right. I laughed. I almost cried (blame postpartum) and I was very excited to find out this book turned show was coming to Netflix. 

The book is funny in my favorite way. Conversationally. She can turn any anecdote into a comedy special and make you L O L while sitting in a room by yourself flipping through pages.




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