Each month I am going to highlight some authors and new reads that I love. This month’s spotlight is dedicated to the brothers! I am sharing with you some of my favorite black male authors in the literary world.  A shout out to each author bae for sharing their talents from a man’s point of view.

The list consists of new authors and oldies but also goodies. If you find a male author you’ve never read, please read and review their books on the reading websites such as Amazon and Goodreads. Your reviews help other readers discover great books; it’s like a domino effect.

If you read and enjoy a book, you benefit as does the author. The novels in this selection are a variety of genre: Romantic Suspense-RS, Mystery-M, R-Romance, Coming of Age, COA, and Mystery/Thriller-MT. The list is from my library and does not include all authors. Consider this an author’s review snippet. Each month we’ll spotlight more.

Next month, we’ll feature several female authors we love to boast about their wonderful works. Please, please, browse the list and see what you can find…Until the next time, have a rapacious reading day!

Sistah Girls Book Club

Maintenance Man I & II – Michael Baisden… R

Michael Baisden

The Leonid McGill Series – Walter Mosley… M

The Gideon Series- Eric Jerome Dickey…RS

Fly Girl- Omar Tyree… COA

The Mike Black Series- Roy Glenn… RS

Backslide I & II -Keith Thomas Walker…RS

Death in the City– Keith Kareem Williams… MTKeith Kareem Williams

B-Side (Four Book Series) -Ran Walker- R

Ran Walker

The Man in 3 B- Carl Weber-R/M

The Harvest I-III- Rod Palmer…M (New Author)

Rod Palmer

Sleep Carter Mysteries- Brian W. Smith… M

#BookLoverSistah Recommended Reading!



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