The Five Senses Of… is a unique interview series created for authors to explore their work and life using their five senses. It is designed to tap into their sense of taste, touch, smell, sight, and sound to give readers a glimpse of the author behind the pen. 

A.C. Taylor is a Black contemporary romance author.

A.C. Taylor

SGBC: What inspired your first project?

A.C. Taylor: My first project was inspired by the desire to finally get a story of my own out into the world. All I ever wanted to do was have a work of mine in the hands of someone other than myself. I’ve been writing since I was a little girl, but reading romance novels as an adult really put a fire under me.

SGBC: Finish the sentence, My writing feels OR sounds like…

A.C. Taylor: My writing feels like pure love. Whenever I write, I want the love between my hero and heroine to jump off of the pages. My readers should feel a spark as soon as they start reading. I write that way because that’s what I want to feel whenever I read a book.

SGBC: Using the five senses, what does your love look, feel, taste, smell, and sound like?

A.C. Taylor: My love looks like the beauty of a sunset over the ocean.

The Five Senses Of A.C. Taylor [INTERVIEW]

It feels like the calming sounds of the waves as they move back and forth against the sand.

My love smells like the sweet scent of cotton candy that lingers around long after it’s gone.


My love sounds like the timeless voice of Lauryn Hill as she reminds two lovers that Nothing Even Matters but their love.

SGBC: Black Love is…

A.C. Taylor: Black Love is everything!!! It’s the beauty that often goes unnoticed and is to be nonexistent. But the love between a black man and woman has proven to be the most beautiful thing that the eyes can see. It’s a vibe, and it’s one that I love to see.

SGBC: Favorite thing in your closet to wear when writing…

A.C. Taylor: My Ivy Park hoodie. It’s an oversized hoodie, so it’s super big and comfortable. I pull the hood over my head, my headphones in, and tune out the rest of the world.


SGBC: What simple thing do you find joy in?

A.C. Taylor: Binge watching a good TV show (preferably on Netflix). That’s one of the most relaxing things for me, aside from listening to music. I could do both of those all day.


SGBC: What have been some of your favorite scents this year?

A.C. Taylor: Strawberry Poundcake from Bath & Body Works. I love anything that smells like cookies and cake.

SGBC: If your last project was turned into an album what artist and song would have to make the list?

A.C. Taylor: Definitely K Camp’s, “Scared of Love.” That’s the song I listened to repeatedly while writing my last project, Give Me You.

The heroine, Nikki, was scared out of her mind to fall for her friend, Kaine. Especially, once she found out that she was having his baby. But he was determined to win her heart and show her that he was more than who she thought he was.

Sistah Girls, this was such a fun interview, be sure to keep up with A.C. Taylor HERE



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