Sistah Girl Book Review “Nevermore” by Danielle Allen
Warning: This review will read like a conversation. I finally realized why I always hesitated writing reviews, it’s because I tried to follow the standard unspoken rubric of book reviewing. It’s usually is your typical, “This was an excellent read, I fell in love with blah blah blah because of blah blah blah.” Or the opposite would happen, “I hate the author for writing blah blah blah.”
These reviews will be written by my own standard, The Sistah Girl Next Door standard. Just giving readers and authors the heads up.
#SistahGirlReview “Nevermore” by Danielle Allen
“ONCE upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary, Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore,— While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door. “‘T is some visitor,” I muttered, “tapping at my chamber door; 5 Only this and nothing more.” -Excerpt from “The Raven,” by Edgar Allan Poe.
Okay, so let me tell y’all my first mistake, I read 40% of the book without first reading or listening to “The Raven” by Edgar Allen Poe. The book is heavily infused with “The Raven” and I didn’t think it was necessary to read the poem first.
At 40% I put the book down and googled the poem. I read the poem back in high school but I didn’t quite remember the details. Listening to the poem was a game changer. Listen to the poem first before reading the novel. Danielle Allen took a poem and not only did she revive it, she laid it out gently in some parts of the book, and slammed it in our faces in other parts.
Listen to “The Raven” Read by James Earl Jones
Raven is a young 26-year-old woman who is back in her hometown to finish her thesis. She is smart and she knows what she wants, but maybe not who she wants. Raven has been best friends with Jackson Parker since for and ever but, because of time and space, they never move passed that stage. Now, both are back in their hometown and everything is quite different.
Sounds like the usual from best friends to lovers read, right? That’s what I thought too, but so much happens within the story that makes it unique. First, it’s the writing, Danielle knows how to use her words to hit you in your chest. The entire time I wanted to hug or cuss Raven out.
When I read a book, I’m usually either witnessing the story as a third party or I put myself in the book. With Nevermore I watched the characters, I never injected myself. I think it’s because Danielle weaved so much of Poe’s words into the novel. His words filled the space, “The Raven” was a soundtrack that played throughout the entire book.
The hero Jackson or as readers will come to know him as “JP” didn’t come off as an alpha male to me. But I wouldn’t say he was all beta either. He is smart and ridiculously handsome but he never used that as a crutch. He’s smooth and down to earth which makes him loveable.
Raven and Jackson’s story to me wasn’t one of those heartbreaking journeys that will leave you miserable after you’ve read it. It’s a story about evolving and learning who you are before you jump into a relationship. It’s about deep love, not the love that has you going through his phone while he’s asleep. It’s that soul to soul love. That I wish you well, and even if we don’t end up together forever I want you to always be happy and have peace kinda love.
Sistah Girl Q&A
What did you love about the story?
Danielle Allen’s knows how to tell a story. Her character building is so good. I always finish her books truly knowing each character no matter how big or small a role they play in the story. And she is always very diverse with her characters…I really love that.
What did you roll your eyes at?
Certain portions of the book moved slow and was a tad redundant.
Would you read it again?
Yes and No. Yes, because after I listened to Edgar Allan Poe’s poem, I read the rest of the book with new eyes. So, I’d love to see what I missed in the first 40%. No, because at 40%…I’m an emotional reader.
Favorite character?
Hands down it’s Sparrow. I loved her spirit instantly.
Could you be friends with the heroine?
It depends on when I met her. We couldn’t have been childhood friends but she would have been my friend in college.
Would you date the hero?
Honestly, I don’t know. He fione though. Lol
Could this book be turned into a movie?
Maybe, but they would have to add more drama.
Hashtag Sistah Girl Approved Reading or Nah?