Bless Your Heart: A Preto Village Novel by AshleyNicole
There are some authors who you know will tell a good story no matter what. For me, one of those authors is AshleyNicole, and when it’s one of your faves, you just want to make sure you’re in a mood to focus because you know it’s going to be good.
She’s just one of those one-click authors. When I sat down to finally read Bless Your Heart: A Preto Village Novel, I knew I would be in for a treat!
The story takes place in a small town called Preto Village – which is about 30 miles outside of Chattanooga, TN. It’s a small town with BIG DRAMA and meddlesome neighbors! Combine the drama with the humor of Ashley Nicole and you’ve got a book that you won’t be able to put down!
Check out these hilarious lines: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
“My deodorant walked off the job early today. It apparently isn’t qualified for this type of heat.” 😂
“Yeah, well, you know what you do; just go around telling everybody, ‘bless your heart.’” “Why?” “Means, “fuck you,” in old, southern, black lady.” 😂
“They didn’t run me back home, Grandma.” I pouted, “I just… needed a minute.” “Well, baby, you had several on that 16 hour drive up here. So, like I said, you let them folks run you back up here with your tail tucked between those fat thighs that are still wet from that boy’s mouth.” “Mommy!” “Grandma!” 😂🤣
My Thoughts:
Charadee (not to be pronounced as Charity) and Keegan have instant chemistry. Charadee is an alpha-woman and has a lot of self-confidence (love her!). She is my kind of heroine.
Keegan really doesn’t want to be in Preto Village, but he feels he should stick around because of his mother. I think what I loved most about this book is the back-and-forth banter between the two characters.
They both were quick-witted and could give as well as they got. When the two get together, sparks fly. Charadee can handle the backlash, but can Keegan? Hmmmm, you’ll have to read it to find out.
I give this story 5 stars!
-Blissful Bookworm