Mother Wounds: A Conversation With Diamonde Williamson [Audio + Video]

Mother Wounds: A Conversation With Diamonde Williamson [Audio + Video]

A Conversation With Diamonde Williamson If I had to give Diamonde Williamson one title to define her career, it would be an artist. She’s been able to introduce different parts of herself to showcase her artistic abilities that surpassed what others envisioned...
Exploring 4 Themes In Toni Morrison’s Novel, Sula

Exploring 4 Themes In Toni Morrison’s Novel, Sula

Sula by Toni Morrison Wanna know something funny? I’ve always considered Toni Morrison one of the most prolific writers in the history of ever. In fact, she is one of my favorite authors in the history of ever, yet until last week, I would have been hard pressed to...

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