The Secret Spirit of Humanity: A Guide on: The Pineal Gland, Chakras and Kundalini Energy by Zalika Judah

Sis, do you often find yourself being out of your body or feeling disconnected from yourself? Do you often question your place in this world? Chances are that as a Black woman, you’ve taken on too much, watching out for everyone else, and putting yourself aside.

Don’t worry sis, I’ve got your back. Zalika Juda’s The Secret Spirit of Humanity is a thought-provoking spiritual book that will make you think and look at the human body differently.

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With the pineal gland being one of society’s hidden gems, you will be taken on an enlightening journey of understanding what the pineal gland is and how it operates within the body.

This book was designed to guide you to dive deep within yourself to align with your great purpose. So fasten your seatbelts and get ready to be taken on a ride to the path of enlightenment.

Not only will you be taken on a path of discovering the pineal gland, but you will also learn about the kundalini energy and chakras that help awaken it and keep it away.

Well-balanced, grounded, introspective, and intentional are words I would use to describe this book. Filled with lots of historical information specifically intended to reprogram limiting beliefs of the unconscious mind.

Will you take the first step to reconnect with yourself? If so, grab the book and begin the journey to a better you.

Remember sis, you can’t pour from an empty cup.



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