Sistah Girls Book Club, Takerra Allen is back with a brand new release that already has the girls talking. Parachutes Book One: The Fall, is the first book in a three-part series that opens with a jaw-dropping admission.
They say the first love is the truest. If you can hold on to it, do. For the others after will be different. Watered-down versions tainted with your insecurities, their fears, each other’s pride. Promises not to make the same mistakes twice, entering as a slightly altered version of yourself. Because that first love, you dive deep with no restrictions. You are you and they are them, fully.
And you hit bumps, and turbulence, and at times think you’ll crash headfirst until that love saves you…like a parachute.
That first love. That true love.
Dalvin and Tahli fell in love as we often do, when looking for everything but. Two seeds in fresh soil, one is hyper focused on a future while the other is on a fresh start of figuring it all out. Both journeys best taken alone are defied by the two’s will to do it together. Here’s the start, some of the middle, and possibly the end to their story.
Lissa-Marie sat down with Allen to discuss (in great detail) Parachutes Book One: The Fall, and every question that you have after reading was answered. Check out the full interview below & please LIKE, COMMENT, & SUBSCRIBE!
About the Author
Takerra Allen is the author of 20 African-American Contemporary urban and romance novels. In addition to being an author, she is the proud daughter of former Black Panther William Garland and sister to the late, renowned Tupac Shakur.
She has been featured in publications such as Us Weekly, XXL Magazine and Don Diva Magazine. Takerra has built her independent publishing and entertainment company with her business partner, Sandra Mobley. The pair developed Takerra’s novel Heaven’s Hell into an independent film with the same title; executive producing the movie under their company ASP Films, with Takerra as a first-time director and screenwriter.
In addition to writing, the New Jersey native enjoys a simple life with her husband and daughter, her cat, traveling, music, movies, art, and love.
Follow Takerra on Amazon, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok to stay current with her works.