Reading Time: 11 minutes Note: This is a fictional ongoing mini-series. Once you finish part one hopefully you will want to keep reading. But until the second part drops, email me your thoughts. This shit is stupid. This is the type of shit that makes you...
I remember when I prayed to God for you and now here you are. Standing in front of me waiting, waiting for me to say that I will be with you until the end of time. Until death do us part, and even then our spirits will find each other, defying the laws of nature, our...
Slit wrists and blood spilled they will say she was too young. the will say she had so much life. they will say she was smart and talented. they will say she was happy. they will say they just spoke to her, they just saw her, they just waved hello. they will say they...
He was quiet, too quiet, the kind of quiet that is filled with regret. I couldn’t speak, I couldn’t move, all I could do was hold my breath and wait for his response. If he would have cried or even cursed I would have known how to react. But sitting on the...
cigarettes butts and cum stains is what you left. there wasn’t a love note or a even a text. just cigarette butts and cum stains. not even a post-it note…even Carrie got a post-it note. no after sex glow, no clenching my pillow sleeping with a smile on my...
Who doesn’t love a good mixtape? A mixtape of any kind is a combination of art, we are used to music artists dropping mixtapes that contain their work in what can be argued as their most raw and honest music. It may be the first time that you have heard their...
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Hey Sis, hey!
For women of color to continue the conversations that we have in the nail salon, beauty parlor, church, and during our lunch breaks at work. This is a place where you can kick off your shoes and get comfortable.