4 STAR Review for Snowflake by Nia Forrester ‘Something about his posture didn’t call to mind slumber, but collapse. Like someone who had been running hard and fast for so long, that finally exhausted, they could run no further.’ – Inner Monologue of Asha Kaleem...
2 STAR Quick Spoiler Free Review of Truce by Ms. Bam and Anjela Day Me hoping and praying and wishing I found a good read in the midst of a drought. Truce- /troos/submit Noun an agreement between two enemies or opponents to stop fighting or arguing for a certain time....
#Blessed By Malakai: To Marry A Madden Book 1) By Sherrelle Green Hey, Sistah’s Hey! The Madden men first debuted in Red Velvet Kisses (Micah), and later in Beautiful Surrender(Malik). The author decided to give us the story of the other Madden men with Malakai as...
Welcome To Lagos by Chibundu Onuzo Earlier in the Spring, I received an A.R.C. of Welcome To Lagos. The book had been on my TBR List for 2018. As excited I was to begin to dive in and read, life happened. Upon starting the read, I was unfocused and lost interest. I...
Hey, 👋🏾 Sistah’s Hey! This next novel that I read all I can say is OH MY GOD! This is for sure a 5 star novel across the board. At first, I was side-eyeing these main characters and adding in what I would do (I know authors HATE this) but I just couldn’t...
Relatively-New Authors Who Bring Smoke, Sizzle, and Singe My Brows! Alexandria is in the Moo-F-ing House! I don’t curse but, this intro sounded like something an emcee would shout for Alexandria House’s introduction. Let Me Hold You (The McClain Brothers Book 2) by...
For women of color to continue the conversations that we have in the nail salon, beauty parlor, church, and during our lunch breaks at work. This is a place where you can kick off your shoes and get comfortable.