Sistah Girls, A.A. Lewis is that girl. She’s an author, entrepreneur, literary advocate, marketing expert, and creator of the Black Writers Appreciation Event aka BRAE. BRAE is a highly anticipated literary event where Black readers can access a portion of...
A couple of weeks ago I tweeted from the Sistah Girls Book Club account (be sure to follow us) reminding people that Spring media lists were going out and not to miss them. I initially thought I was reminding people to look out for the emails because when...
A Magazine for Black Authors Remember back in the days when you had to wait for your favorite magazine to drop or radio show to come on to get your entertainment news? With the explosion of digital media, you can now receive information on just about any topic at the...
Sistah Girls, I have really amazing friends who know that my range includes talking about the “Real Housewives of Potamic” to debating topics within Black History. Knowing this, my friends always share things with me on social media, and one day my good...
A Moment in Mental Health Mental Illness is a topic within the Black community that still holds a societal stigma. We have all watched movies and can think back to our childhoods and remember that one family member everyone said: “wasn’t right in the...
Sistah Girls, in these Black literary streets it’s all about Black Bookstagrammers. Yes, we love the authors who write the books but there is also something to be said about a person who can take a book and create content that’s fun, shareable, and makes...
For women of color to continue the conversations that we have in the nail salon, beauty parlor, church, and during our lunch breaks at work. This is a place where you can kick off your shoes and get comfortable.