My Black Country If you asked when Black Country Music was born, Alice Randall would be the one to speak up first. “According to me, Black Country was born December 10, 1927, when DeFord Bailey played “Pan American Blues” on Barn Dance, a Nashville...
Memoirs by Black Musicians Sistah Girls, I love memoirs, it’s one of my absolute favorite genres to read. You gain first-hand insight into a person’s life as they go back in time to recount stories that mattered the most to them. And I love music! I have a...
Artificial Intelligence and Black Literature (NOTE: This article is not to bash anyone who uses AI. I am merely speaking my thoughts and opinions surrounding the topic.) What it do Sistah Girls! It feels like I set my Goodreads goal just yesterday and now here we are...
Here’s my unpopular opinion: There are some books that I just don’t like. It can be because of the writing style, the characters, or because the synopsis gave a description that didn’t meet my expectations as a reader. Now be honest… what was the first thing that...
Sistah Girls, whenever people talk about getting their mind, body, and spirit right, it can feel a little overwhelming. What books do you read? What classes should you take? What new diet should you begin? The rabbit hole can get deep fast, and before you know it, the...
Black Romance Novels + Mental Health When people in our community think about Mental Health, it’s not always met with a listening and welcoming ear. In the past, Mental Health was something you kept secret, but that’s slowly changing, more and more people...
For women of color to continue the conversations that we have in the nail salon, beauty parlor, church, and during our lunch breaks at work. This is a place where you can kick off your shoes and get comfortable.