I am going through a lot. There I said it, out loud and it made its way into this blog post. But aren’t we all? I honestly feel like there is always a battle going on, either one has just ended or one is about to begin. For me it has been me battling myself,...
When Bree Newsome climbed up a pole to remove the confederate flag we all cheered her on. The confederate flag represents racism and oppression in the black community. So when Bree took a stand and said enough was enough every black person in America felt empowered....
Most people generate negative perceptions about young adults, they don’t take life seriously, they don’t want to work for anything. I can go on and on about all of the negative stereotypes that revolve around young adults especially young black adults. Now...
For women of color to continue the conversations that we have in the nail salon, beauty parlor, church, and during our lunch breaks at work. This is a place where you can kick off your shoes and get comfortable.