Bless Your Heart: A Preto Village Novel by AshleyNicole There are some authors who you know will tell a good story no matter what. For me, one of those authors is AshleyNicole, and when it’s one of your faves, you just want to make sure you’re in a mood to focus...
5 STAR REVIEW for Fast by Millie Belizaire There are these rare moments when I read a book and feel like somehow I missed my calling to be a Literary Agent. You don’t just want to tell others to read the book, you can actually visualize others reading and loving it....
Keeping Willow (The Prototype Book 3) by Jacinta Howard Sistah Girls, I’m so excited to bring you a 5-star read. This book was a lot for me but in a good way. I tried to savor the book and didn’t want it to end. It made me think and examine so many...
The Fold (Thou Shall Not Fear) Book Three by Sabrina B. Scales I hoped and expected book three would give readers a whole new appreciation for Angela’s church-girl persona. For some reason, she never struck me as a bougie, or overtly aggressive about her religious...
My Muted Love (Muted Hopelessness book 1) by Love Belvin is a solid 4 Star Read!! My Muted Love opens with a guy by the name of Ashton Spencer. Ashton receives a request from his mentor to step in for him and complete an assignment. Yet, it’s at the mention of...
Spoiler-Free: 3 Star Review for Reciprocity by Anani Monique Uhh, I’m definitely still trying to wrap my head around all that happened in this book. Did I like it? Yes! But honestly, while Reciprocity read much like a suspenseful Urban Romance with a plotline...
For women of color to continue the conversations that we have in the nail salon, beauty parlor, church, and during our lunch breaks at work. This is a place where you can kick off your shoes and get comfortable.