Sistah Girls, I know we live in a very digital world and people are making fewer and fewer trips to the library but did we forget all the cool resources the library has? Growing up, the library was the spot mainly because it was a free place to chill and do my...
Self-Care for Black Women Sistah Girls, the world is opening up, people are making plans to travel this summer, and everyone is talking about getting to the bag. And while I’m here for all of it, there is this silent voice saying, “sis you need to take...
Sistah Girls, I am from a large family, one of the younger siblings in the bunch, so family ties are always a treat. So, it was natural to offer some of the books that feature sibling love. It’s always cool to watch siblings come together to solve problems while...
Friends-To-Lovers Trope Sistah Girls, have you ever had a friend, whether they are your best friend or someone you recently met and you became great friends? Was there ever a time you looked at them as more? Did you fantasize about what they could do in bed or did you...
Sistah Girls, if I were to ask you what books you recall being on your reading list in grade school, what type of answers could I expect? Are you all thinking of literature such as One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest or The Great Gatsby perhaps? How about Homer’s Iliad or...
Sistah Girls, they don’t call February the month of love for nothing. Romance reigned supreme for me but hey that’s nothing new. Romance rules! These books though…three of them are new releases and two are new to me authors. Here is what I read and...
For women of color to continue the conversations that we have in the nail salon, beauty parlor, church, and during our lunch breaks at work. This is a place where you can kick off your shoes and get comfortable.