23 Books Black Female College Graduates Must Read

23 Books Black Female College Graduates Must Read

I remember graduating from college and feeling like I was riding a cloud. Everything leading up to the actual ceremony was nothing short of a celebration–we literally had a farewell tour. More than a handful of my close friends were from New York City, we traded in...

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Short Story: Family by Natasha Sinclair [READERS VOTE]

Short Story: Family by Natasha Sinclair [READERS VOTE]

Family by Natasha Sinclair FAMILY; a simple word with different meanings for different people. I tried to Google a definition, checking Oxford English; Collins and Urban dictionaries, but I never found a ‘one size fits all’ definition, because there wasn’t one; I...

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Short Story: Why Doesn’t He Love Me? [READERS VOTE]

Short Story: Why Doesn’t He Love Me? [READERS VOTE]

Why Doesn't He Love Me? “Boom! Boom!” I awoke with beads of salty sweat coming down my face. Every night at 9:30 I would have the same nightmare. No matter how many years went by it come back to haunt me. It was the night I meant the devil who hijacked my life. I was...

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Remembering Our Sistah Girl, Nena Goshay-Colar

Remembering Our Sistah Girl, Nena Goshay-Colar

If the Sistah Girls Book Club had a flag it would fly half-staff until every heart that was broken by the news of Nena's passing was mended. When I started the Sistah Girls Book Club I never thought deeply about the bonds that would be made or the laughs and inside...

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Hey Sis, hey!


For women of color to continue the conversations that we have in the nail salon, beauty parlor, church, and during our lunch breaks at work. This is a place where you can kick off your shoes and get comfortable.


Sistah Girls Book Club

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