Black Women Storytellers ft. Ashley J. Hobbs [Interview]

Black Women Storytellers ft. Ashley J. Hobbs [Interview]

Sistah Girls, Black Women Storytellers is an interview series that amplifies women who use different mediums and styles of writing to share their stories with the world. Ashley J. Hobbs is a writer, podcast producer, and speaker whose work sits at the crash site of...
A Conversation With Narrator, Wesleigh Siobhan [Audio]

A Conversation With Narrator, Wesleigh Siobhan [Audio]

Wesleigh Siobhan has taken the Black Indie Romance audiobook world by storm. With over twenty books published in the genre (as a narrator), she has solidified herself as one of the top choices when seeking out a narrator. Siobhan’s first break into the world of...
A Conversation With London C. Williams, Author Of Our 1st Protest [Audio]

A Conversation With London C. Williams, Author Of Our 1st Protest [Audio]

London C. Willimas decided at the tender age of eleven years old to pen her first book about her experience at a Black Lives Matter protest. The Waterbury, Connecticut native wanted to share her experience with other children and parents about protesting and what it...

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