Luster: A Novel by Raven Leilani Sistah Girls, this book is wild. If you’re looking for a dramatic read with a lot of depth then this is for you. Luster is a literary fiction novel that follows Edie, a broke 23-year-old with a monotonous job and a dangerous...
Sistahs, how y’all feel? Girls, y’all alright? Okay now, all Muva Badu-ness aside, let a thug start by wishing everyone a HAPPY NEW YEAR! While I can’t speak for anyone else on this ghetto planet we call Earth, for this Midwest Gypsy, the year 2021 was one for the...
A Tale of Lost Girlhood I am a lover of coming-of-age stories; Sula by Toni Morrison is a journey from girlhood to womanhood. The story tackles many themes like differing motherhood styles, sexuality, womanhood, race, self-worth, grief, and more. However, this review...
Queenie by Candice Carty-Williams Queenie Jenkins is your average mid-twenties young professional living in the UK. By average I mean struggling with her mental health, figuring out work-life balance, and grappling with adulthood. The story follows Queenie as she...
Sistah Girls, I have really amazing friends who know that my range includes talking about the “Real Housewives of Potamic” to debating topics within Black History. Knowing this, my friends always share things with me on social media, and one day my good...
Hey Sistah Girls! I hope August’s reads were good for you! Me? Well, I spent most of August rereading some of my faves, and then at the end of the month, a few releases I was waiting for were released. I also decided to try new to me author Joan Vassar. Have you...
For women of color to continue the conversations that we have in the nail salon, beauty parlor, church, and during our lunch breaks at work. This is a place where you can kick off your shoes and get comfortable.