15+ Black Romance Novels That Feature Plus-Size Women

15+ Black Romance Novels That Feature Plus-Size Women

Black Romance Novels With Black Plus-Size Women Sistah Girls, if you’re a big fine woman this listicle is for you. One thing Black authors will do is give us real-life love and romance, and we all know that comes in all shapes and sizes. After scrolling on...
The Lex List: March Was LIT! (Books + Reviews)

The Lex List: March Was LIT! (Books + Reviews)

Sistah Girls, The Lex List is back! I’m here to let you all in on how March went for me. Honestly, it was cool, I spent most of the month binging one author though, LOL!  While I was definitely in an Urban Romance book mood, I also managed to read a pretty good...
Book Review: Solace: The Safest Place for a Lonely Heart by Ash Ley

Book Review: Solace: The Safest Place for a Lonely Heart by Ash Ley

Solace: The Safest Place for a Lonely Heart “Pain. An emotion I was becoming all too familiar with, one that I didn’t like.” Besides the cover drawing me in, this line caught my attention from the beginning. I was curious to see just what type of pain the character...

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