Sistah Girls, happy Women’s History Month! As Yoncé told us many years ago, girls run the world. And with March being a celebration of women and girls across the globe, your friends at Sistah Girls Book Club wanted to bless you with some book recs to help you in your...
Badass Women In Black Romance Sistah Girls, nothing is more endearing and exciting than a boss woman with a lot of sass and attitude. You know, a woman about her business and keeps folks out of hers, she is The One! This list is about those women and of course the men...
Sistah Girls, everyone loves a good time. As readers we often find ourselves caught up in the pages of our favorite books while enjoying the festivities they’re enjoying. There are books that took us on trips, had us updating our playlists with party songs, witnessing...
Classic Black Romance Novels Sistah Girls, have you ever wondered what makes a romance novel a classic? Well, I believe a story that stands the test of time is a big qualifier when it comes to creating a classic romance novel. But do you think newer books can be...
Classic Black Literature Sistah Girls, creating this listicle was very nostalgic. It reminded me of those nights as a child when I’d sneak to read some of these novels because they were far too advanced for my adolescent self. When you think of classic...
Black Romance Sistah Girls, it’s that time of year, and I’m back to give you the book tea on what you may have missed in 2022. Normally this list drops in January but February is both Black History Month and the month of love, so it’s only right. Black...
For women of color to continue the conversations that we have in the nail salon, beauty parlor, church, and during our lunch breaks at work. This is a place where you can kick off your shoes and get comfortable.