4 STAR Review for Loving The Realest of Them All by Antionette Sherell In Loving the Realest of Them All by Antionette Sherell readers are introduced to a young girl named Rarity. When Rarity’s mother succumbs to her addiction, Rare finds herself in the care of a rich...
The Black Effect Series by Charae Lewis Sis, let me start off by saying this series took me for a ride, once I realized the main characters Amai and Nadir were part of a polygamous lifestyle I was giving it the side-eye. The question I kept asking myself: How will I...
BLACK ROMANCE BOOKS I READ IN 2019 THAT ARE COMING WITH ME INTO 2020 Whew! 2019 was another magnificent one. I genuinely hope you’ve enjoyed the books, list, and the suggested reading materials throughout the year. We wanted to wow you and offer something to pass on...
Hey, Sistah’s Hey! I always have my face stuck inside a book because reading is life…duh! I’m always searching for new or new to me authors and most often times than not I run across some true gems. This year it took me a little while to stumble across most of...
Sistah Girls, don’t you just love a good Urban Romance novel? Well, I do! We’ve already put together our list of Black Romance Couples You Have to Meet so it was only right that we have one for Urban Romance. These couples are not only hot, but they also...
13 Classic Urban Novels You Have To Read Urban novels have a special place in my heart. I’ve been reading them since I was a teen, today there are so many authors within the genre who are penning unique stories filled plot twists and turns that will have you...
For women of color to continue the conversations that we have in the nail salon, beauty parlor, church, and during our lunch breaks at work. This is a place where you can kick off your shoes and get comfortable.